Top 10 Fastest Growing Fruit Trees

Peach trees are fun to grow and some of the fastest-growing, but they don’t handle growing in an area with a lot of frost or cold temperatures.

Peach Trees

The rate in which they grow is impressive. A grafted mulberry tree can produce in as little as 12 years, continuing to provide for decades.

Mulberry Trees

If you live in an area with a milder climate, some apple tree varieties require low chill hours. Those are the ones you should go for instead.

Apple Trees

That’s why most people don’t consider growing citrus trees, which is a shame because they’re among the fastest-growing fruit trees and prolific in their growth.

Citrus Fruit Trees

Apricots are self-fertile, so you don’t need a pollination partner. That’s such a nice part of growing apricots.

Apricot Trees

If you have kids, mandarins are a popular snack, and you can find dwarf varieties that will grow in your climate.

Mandarin Fruit Trees

Sweet cherry trees are self-sterile, so you do need to have other varieties of cherries in the same area.

Cherry Trees

Figs prefer warm weather, so keep your tree in a container and bring them inside as the temperatures dip.

Fig Trees

Most pear trees reach tall heights, around 20 feet tall. Not only are they large, but pears tend to be easier to grow because they have fewer disease and pest problems.

Pear Trees

The coolest thing about growing moringa is that it’s a super fast-growing fruit tree. It can grow 15-20 feet in a single growing season.

Moringa Trees